"We are living through a political saga which is running the danger of turning into a Greek tragedy and this must end immediately," Konstantinos Michalos, president at the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry told CNBC
"We are living through a political saga which is running the danger of turning into a Greek tragedy and this must end immediately," Konstantinos Michalos, president at the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry told CNBC
"We are living through a political saga which is running the danger of turning into a Greek tragedy and this must end immediately," Konstantinos Michalos, presi...
"We are living through a political saga which is running the danger of turning into a Greek tragedy and this must end immediately," Konstantinos Michalos, presi...
Ομιλία Αμερικανού Πρέσβη κ. Daniel B. Smith στο Συνέδριο της Αμερικανικής Πρεσβείας στο ΕΒΕΑ με θέμα “Καλές Πρακτικές στις Διεθνείς Δημόσιες Συμβάσεις”, 17.6.13
Ομιλία του προέδρου της Βουλής κ. Β. Μεϊμαράκη στην τελετή βράβευσης από το ΕΒΕΑ της προέδρου της Άνω Δούμας της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας κας. Ματβιένκο, 16.9.13